Alex Bogovich, Software Development Engineer


Result-oriented software development engineer with over 5 years of experience developing server-side and frontend development. Focused on building cohesive and cloud-native applications using Golang for serverless architecture and data pipelines for the past two years. Has extensive skills in Java/Kotlin prior to Golang. Uses SSR and SSG to build efficient front-end layers. Prefers to advocate for DevOps and GitOps to improve developer skills and speed up the feedback loop from tests, metrics, and releases. Dedicated to developing scalable cloud web services (AWS, GCP), databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.), automation, and consistent APIs. Has experience in developing high-performance robust software. Has strong OOP skills and TDD approach. Committed to deep work, enjoys participating in interviews, code reviews, and mentoring. Efficient and collaborative team player with strong problem-solving and communication skills.



Go, Kotlin, Java, Typescript, Swift

Technologies and Frameworks:

GORM, Docker, GraphQL, gqlgen, Kafka, Spring, Serverless, REST, AWS, OpenTelemenry, Prometheus, Jest, Vite


Elastic, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle DB

IDEs and Tools:

Goland, IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code, git


OOP and FP, TDD, DDD, CI/CD, Agile development, Cloud-native



  • GraphQL API development using gqlgen and data loaders
  • Message processors using Kafka
  • Telemetry and Observability using OpenTelemenry and Prometheus
  • Microservices and serverless development
  • ORM with GORM
  • Goroutines, channels
  • Unit and integration testing


  • Backend development using the Spring ecosystem
  • NIO HTTP servers using Kotlin coroutines and project reactor
  • Implementation of data access using MongoDB, SQL, Elasticsearch, and Redis 

TypeScript (JavaScript)

  • Web application development (SPA, SSR, SSG, Browser extensions)
  • CRUD REST Services
  • Unit Tests development using Jest, Vite
  • Firebase cloud functions
  • Requests and UI optimizations


  • ETL jobs in Informatica using PL/SQL
  • Cross-language full-text bases search powered by Elasticsearch from millions of products by Elasticsearch
  • Events and decompiled JSON-like data storage using MongoDB
  • Domain Object mapping in SQL using GORM and Hibernate


  • Integration with delivery channels: Slack, Docker registry, Bitbucket Artifacts
  • GitOps automatic environment generation per bunch/PR
  • Docker image optimization

Development methodologies

  • Agile
  • Continuous Integration
  • Design patterns
  • OOP and FP
  • DDD
  • TDD
  • Unit testing



Owner & Software Development Engineer

May 2022 – September 2022

  • Developed serverless backend with Golang, GCP, MongoDB Cloud, GraphQL, gRPC, and Authzed;
  • Solved complex backend and iOS challenges around code reusability, and limited budget while continuously improving code quality;
  • Owned engineering project from design to implementation to deployment and maintenance.

Used languages and technologies: Go, GraphQL, Swift, SwiftUI, ARkit, gRPC, Firebase, OpenTelemetry, Grafana, GCP, Authzed, Mongo Cloud.

ToolbarStudio, Inc.

Software Development Engineer

August 2018 – May 2022

Smart Lab (Oct 2021 - May 2022) is an accelerator and VC fund inside ToolbarStudio dedicated to developing and running experiments for new business ideas within a holding.


  • Balanced speed with quality while quickly building brand-new prototypes, and running experiments;
  • Developed microservices backend architecture with Go;
  • Designed backend architecture with a goal to achieve low latency and simplicity;
  • Developed data analytics service with Go;
  • Developed fast-evolved distributed systems using serverless technologies and SaaS solutions;
  • Provided technical expertise in using cloud-native technologies, integrating SaaS products, and built data ingress/egress pipelines for early-stage projects;
  • Communicated effectively, within the team and across disciplines. Worked closely with department directors, product managers, analytics, sales, and designers to define accurate funnel and craft compelling user experiences;
  • Interviewed applicants for various projects and teams.

Used languages and technologies: Go, GraphQL, MongoDB, Mongo Cloud, GORM, Elastic Cloud, NuxtJS, AWS.

Aura Your Digital Security (Jul 2020 - Sep 2021) is an all-in-one solution to secure user privacy and alert a user on leaked data within the dark web and fishing sites.


  • Used agile, async communication, and domain ownership to eliminate the blocking factor of different time zones while working in a remote team located in the USA, Eastern Europe, and India;
  • Developed scalable event-driven distributed systems using microservice architecture and data pipelines;
  • Created scalable SQL database schemas that focus on high throughput, data merge. aggregations, and query efficiency;
  • Followed team feature acceptance criteria such as metrics, unit testing, integration tests, performance tests, code style, and code reviews;
  • Interviewed applicants to join the project.

Used languages and technologies: Go, Java, Kafka, MySQL, Redis, AWS, K8S, Grafana, Prometheus.

Hotspot shield, Touch VPN, Betternet (Nov 2019 - Jul 2020) browser extensions are VPN browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge


  • Communicated effectively, with cross-functional teams distributed between Eastern Europe and the USA. Worked closely with product managers and designers to craft compelling user experiences;
  • Solved complex frontend challenges around performance and code reusability while continuously improving code quality and CI/CD;
  • Built new features and integrations into the Hotspot shield, Touch VPN, and Betternet browser extensions used by millions of users;
  • Mentored and unboarded new team members.

Used languages and technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, gRPC, REST, Firebase, React, Chrome API, Google Analytics.

Besttoolbars analytics cart discount value (2019 - 2020) is the set of analytics dashboards and reports with aggregated cart and coupon data per merchant. Data was collected from browser extensions within the domain of e-commerce and cashback.


  • Developed scalable event-driven distributed systems using microservice architecture and data pipelines that collect data from e-commerce browsers extensions used by millions of users;
  • Created NoSQL database schemas that focus on high data throughput within a limited budget;
  • Owned engineering projects from design to implementation to deployment and maintenance;

Used languages and technologies: Kafka streams, Kotlin, Spring, MongoDB, NuxtJS, AWS, Gradle.

Besttoolbars config tool (2019 - 2020) is a service that stores and manages sets of rules for parsing and performing actions on e-commerce product pages and checkout pages for Besttoolbars' coupon auto applier, price & product comparison modules.


  • Created scalable NoSQL database schemas that focus on feature expandability and fast evolution while staying reusable for similar use cases for different clients;
  • Solve complex backend challenges around performance and code reusability while continuously improving code quality;
  • Created scalable NoSQL database schemas that focus on feature expandability and fast evolution while staying reusable for similar use cases for different clients;
  • Owned engineering projects from design to implementation to deployment and maintenance;
  • Fostered a healthy engineering culture and mentored and coached other engineers.

Used languages and technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, Express, REST, MongoDB, Docker, AWS.

Affiliate aggregator core modules (2018 - 2021) are the shared modules that consume and process affiliate network API in a generalized format of products, deals, and coupons. These modules are used to build custom CRMs and service solutions for clients with cashback and e-commerce domains.


  • Building and managing the distributed systems of high-level of complexity and various ingress integrations;
  • Solve complex backend challenges around performance and code reusability while continuously improving code quality;
  • Owned engineering projects from design to implementation to deployment and maintenance;
  • Fostered a healthy engineering culture and mentored and coached other engineers.

Used languages and technologies: Kotlin, Gradle, Retrofit, Elasticsearch.

Mallbery i18n (2018) is a service to manage and serve transitions for website and browser extensions. The primary user's auditory was located in Asia and South America.


  • Built and managed the distributed systems of high-level of complexity;
  • Built new features and integrations into the Mallbery i18n.

Used languages and technologies: Go, AWS, Cloudfront, Elasticsearch, Postgre, React.

R-style softlab

Software Development Engineer

April 2018 – August 2018

XBRL banking taxonomy reporting is a service to generate XBRL banking taxonomy reports.


  • Prototyped e-document systems using MVC architecture and data streaming;
  • Designed database SQL schemas for complex banking XBRL reporting data.

Used languages and technologies: Java, Spring, JAXB, React, Hibernate, XML, XSD, XBRL, Gradle.


Software Development Engineer

April 2017 – April 2018

Gov. Pension fund e-doc system is a government pension e-document system designed to process and store citizens’ records and transitions between government and private pension funds.


  • Developed effective e-document systems using MVC architecture and data streaming;
  • Developed mock services for external systems to increase the velocity of development and integration testing;
  • Build new features and e-document formats into the project.

Used languages and technologies: Java, Groovy, Spring, Hibernate, Postgres, XML, XSD, Gradle, jQuery.

Vimpelcom ETL warehouse is an oracle cluster warehouse powered by Informatica, it is one of the largest telecom providers in Russia


  • Supported and Created ETL PL/SQL jobs to effectively process high-volume data.

Used languages and technologies: Informatica, Oracle, PL/SQL.


Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Science. Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. 2 years of education.

Junior College of Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Science. Qualification: Specialist in Computed Systems. 4 years of education.
